Staff, students, alumni and Catholic community members participated in a Rosary Rally on November 17th. Led by Fr. Adam, individuals gathered outside to pray for those battling cancer, survivors of cancer and for the uncertainty of the world we live in. Decades were led by students as the group walked around the lit path of luminaries made by fellow peers. May God's grace heal our hearts and those around us.
St. Jude Prayer for the Healing of Cancer
God of healing mercy,
in Jesus your Son
you stretch out your hand
in compassion, restoring
the sinner, healing the sick,
and lifting up those
bowed down.
Embrace us now in your
loving care, particularly
those afflicted with cancer,
for whom this intention
is offered. May the Spirit
of Jesus bring us all health
in soul and body, that with
joy and thanksgiving we may
praise you for your goodness,
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
St. John Henry Newman Prayer
O Lord, support us all the day long until the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then, Lord, in your mercy, grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest and peace at the last. Complete your work, O Lord, and as you have loved me from the beginning so make me love you to the end.