You can help earn money for Nouvel Catholic Central Schools simply by linking your Kroger Plus card with NCCS through Kroger Community Rewards. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards... and all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!
Here are the simple steps to enroll:
Click to be directed to Kroger Community Rewards.
Scroll down & click on I'm a Customer-Want to Enroll.
Enter our organization code: YU923 for Nouvel Catholic Central High School. Be sure to click Enroll!
You can create an "Alt Id" online (such as your 10-digit phone number) and enter at checkout in place of swiping your Kroger Plus Card when you shop.
Please share this info with family/friends/coworkers in the community who shop at Kroger and would like to support our school.
If you need assitance or would like to learn more, please reach out to our Home & School Treasurer, Cindy Velez at 262-395-5464and she will be more than happy to help you get enrolled!
Thank you for supporting our school through Kroger Community Rewards!