Dear Nouvel Catholic Central Families,
We hope that you and your family have had a restful Christmas break. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday. Please review the brief update below as we prepare to return to school.
Return to school: We remain on schedule to welcome our students, staff and faculty back to school on Monday, January 3rd.
Test-to-Stay: Test-to-stay has been a key tool in our continued effort to preserve in-person learning and reduce the number of school days missed by students and staff identified as close contacts. The distribution process for obtaining the test kits has changed and we are working with the appropriate agencies to obtain additional test kits for the return to school. We currently have a limited supply and it is possible that the test-to-stay program may be paused should additional kits not be available. If your child is identified as a close contact, the school will continue to inform the family on the availability of the test-to-stay program. We also support families that may prefer to quarantine.
Being mindful of community health:
Quarantine Guidance: On Monday, 12/27/21, the CDC revised its guidance related to quarantines and isolation. The full press release can be found here. On 12/31/21 the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services issued a statement indicating that their guidance for the K-12 setting would remain unchanged at this time. The MDHHS statement can be found here. The Saginaw County Health Department (SCHD) may issue policies/guidance that exceed CDC recommendations. We expect that the SCHD will issue a statement on the new CDC and MDHHS guidance in the near future. NCC will continue to adhere to the quarantine and isolation practices established by the SCHD.
We wish the entire Nouvel community a Happy New Year.
NCC Leadership Team