Each year, our Nouvel students along with millions of juniors take the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). Today, we would like to recognize 8 of our (now senior) students who each achieved an SAT score of 1200 or higher, ranking them in the top 25% of test takers nationally. Congratulations to: Christian Beyers, Lydia Jacobs, Alexis Kuligowski, Logan Markusic, Shawn McDonald, Sathvika Ravichandran, Iris Patel and Collin Vance! This achievement also qualifies each student to be considered for a Michigan Competitive Scholarship.
Additionally, to help put this prestigious achievement in perspective, the SAT national average score is 1050 and the state of Michigan average score is 1000. A perfect score is 1600. We are so very proud of our Panthers and this high achievement honor